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Models at a fashion show
11 Sep, 2023

High Fashion NYCs Cannabis-Inspired Runway Shows

Introduction: New York City, a global fashion capital, is renowned for its avant-garde style and trendsetting runway events. In a city that thrives on diversity and creativity, the intersection of fashion and cannabis culture has given rise to a unique and trendsetting phenomenon—cannabis-inspired runway shows. In this blog, we’ll explore how the fashion world in […]
04 Sep, 2023

NYC Cannabis Innovations 7 Tech Startups Transforming the Industry

Introduction: In the city that never sleeps, where innovation thrives and culture evolves, the cannabis industry is experiencing a technological renaissance. From seed to sale, New York City is witnessing the rise of tech startups that are revolutionizing how we approach, consume, and understand cannabis. In this blog, we’ll explore seven NYC-based cannabis tech startups […]
Promotional advertisement for cannabis
28 Aug, 2023

The Art of Consumption: NYCs Most Unique Cannabis Experiences

Introduction: In the city that prides itself on pushing boundaries and celebrating diversity, New York City has elevated the cannabis experience to an art form. From immersive events to curated gatherings, the art of consumption is taking center stage in the cultural landscape of the Big Apple. In this blog, we’ll explore some of NYC’s […]
Park setting
21 Aug, 2023

5 Green Spaces in NYC: Perfect for Cannabis Enthusiasts

Introduction: New York City, with its iconic skyline and bustling streets, may not immediately conjure images of green spaces. However, the city is dotted with oases of tranquility where cannabis enthusiasts can escape the urban hustle and indulge in their favorite pastime. In this blog, we’ll explore five green spaces in NYC that provide the […]
Movie screenshots of cannabis related movies
14 Aug, 2023

Cannabis on Screen: 10 Movies and TV Shows Set in NYC

Introduction: New York City, with its iconic skyline and diverse neighborhoods, has served as the backdrop for countless stories on both the big and small screens. As attitudes towards cannabis evolve, filmmakers and showrunners are incorporating the plant into narratives that reflect the city’s dynamic culture. In this blog, we’ll explore 10 movies and TV […]
07 Aug, 2023

The Buzz on Wall Street: Financial Investments in NYC’s Cannabis Industry

Introduction: In the heart of New York City’s Financial District, where fortunes rise and fall with the tick of the stock market, a new player has entered the scene: cannabis. As the cannabis industry continues to gain legitimacy and recognition, Wall Street is taking notice, presenting both seasoned investors and newcomers with opportunities to be […]
New York City and Statue of Liberty
31 Jul, 2023

The Green Revolution: How NYC Cannabis Delivery Services Are Redefining Home Delivery

Introduction: In the city that never sleeps, the landscape of convenience is undergoing a profound transformation with the advent of cannabis legalization. New York City, known for its dynamic culture and fast-paced lifestyle, is at the forefront of a green revolution—one that redefines the concept of home delivery. In this blog, we’ll explore how NYC […]
17 Apr, 2023
High Notes: The Intersection of Cannabis and NYC’s Music Scene

In the city that never sleeps, where the rhythm of life pulses through the streets, an unmistakable harmony resonates between the vibrant cannabis culture and the eclectic music scene of New York City. “High Notes” explores the dynamic intersection of these two worlds, delving into the symbiotic relationship that has shaped the sonic landscape of […]

10 Apr, 2023
Grown in Brooklyn: A Local Perspective on Cultivating Cannabis

Brooklyn, the cultural heart of New York City, has always been a breeding ground for creativity, innovation, and a sense of community. As the cannabis landscape continues to evolve, a new narrative is emergingโ€”Grown in Brooklyn. This is a local perspective on cultivating cannabis, highlighting the unique journey of those who are sowing the seeds […]

03 Apr, 2023
๐ŸŒฟ๐Ÿ Welcome to Buzzy Bee NYC Blog! ๐Ÿ๐ŸŒฟ

Hey Buzzworthy Readers! ๐ŸŽ‰ Exciting news is buzzing around Brooklyn as ZEN MEDS proudly presents the launch of our Buzzy Bee NYC Blog! ๐ŸŒŸ Brace yourselves for a hive of insightful information, high-flying stories, and the latest buzz in the world of cannabis right here in the heart of New York City! ๐Ÿ—ฝ What’s all […]

Marijuana is intended for use by adults 21 years & older. Keep out of reach of children. Do not drive a motor vehicle under the influence of Marijuana.

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